

Toyota's Solid-State EV Battery Could Provide 745 Miles of Range

The business has been sluggish to adopt EVs, but perhaps it was simply awaiting the ideal battery.

Although Toyota has periodically considered taking the top spot among manufacturers, it now trails Volkswagen in terms of revenue. In the near future, Toyota may return to the top spot if the most recent rumor about its electrified aspirations is accurate. A breakthrough in solid-state battery technology, according to the Japanese business, may enable automobiles to drive hundreds of miles further and recharge even more quickly.

Toyota has resisted investing as much in EV production as the majority of automakers have. With the exception of sporadic low-volume models like the bZ4X, Toyota has continued to be devoted to hybrid vehicles following the Prius' enormous success in the early and middle 2000s. Even talking notes on why it doesn't produce electric vehicles to compete with Ford and Volkswagen were sent to dealers. The corporation has insisted that producing more hybrid vehicles out of battery materials is more cost-effective than producing a small number of fully electric ones.

If the new battery technology turns out to be successful, Toyota could be prepared to get into EVs. The Guardian reports that Toyota's long-promised new solid-state battery has finally been created thanks to better manufacturing techniques. Compared to the liquid-based lithium-ion cells now utilized in all EVs, the new battery has many benefits. For instance, they potentially have a range that is more than twice as great as conventional EVs, at 745 miles (1,200 kilometers).

One of the primary disadvantages of switching at this time is the necessity of often recharging an EV. When compared to luxury EVs like the Tesla Model 3 (333 miles) or Ford Mustang Mach E (312 miles), low-cost EVs like the Nissan Leaf barely surpass 200 miles per charge. Even the long-delayed Tesla Cybertruck only advertises a top-of-the-line variant with a 500-mile range. A vehicle that could travel more than 700 miles without recharging would therefore be quite significant.

You might assume that traveling a few hundred miles isn't all that bad. After all, the range of most gasoline-powered vehicles is comparable. The distinction is that whereas petrol stations are easily accessible, EV chargers can occasionally be challenging to locate. Government initiatives to increase EV chargers have just begun. Even if you do manage to locate one, it could not have a plug that works with your vehicle, and the majority of publicly accessible chargers have charging speeds that are far slower than the top speeds of contemporary electric vehicles. Toyota's solid-state battery may help with the speed issues; according to the firm, a full 700-mile battery may be charged in as little as 10 minutes.

We've heard of significant EV breakthroughs that never materialize, but Toyota stands out for taking a careful approach to electrifying its portfolio. We could be at a turning moment if even Toyota is motivated to sell you an EV.